Upward Details
Location | Old Town Hill Baptist Church
3000 S Burlington Dr | Muncie
Ages | K - Grade 4
Activities Offered | Basketball & Cheerleading
Dates | 6-week League beginning in January
One weekly practice for one hour
One Saturday game beginning January 27
Fee | $75
$10.00 off your second child
$5.00 off your third child
$5.00 off your fourth child and above
Registration Information
Registration | October 30 - November 30
Basketball skills testing for boys & girls in grades Kindergarten through 4th grade will be Saturday, November 18 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and Sunday, November 19 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Skills testing is required and you only need to attend one of the dates. You may come anytime during these hours. It should only take 15 minutes. Cheerleaders do not need to attend a skills test.
***If you register after the skills test, you can still participate in the league. Contact Old Town Hill Church at othchurch2@comcast.net or 765.284.6445.
Evaluation & Orientation
Contact Information
Melissa Reynolds | Upward & Old Town Hill Church Contact
Hayley Williams | Glad Tidings Church Contact
Volunteers Needed
Intersted in volunteering with Upward?
Volunteer Opportunites
Assistant Coaches