Meet Our Lead Pastors

Kevin Holt

Senior Pastor

Pastor Kevin Holt was elected to serve as the Senior Pastor of Glad Tidings Church in September of 1999. Prior to coming to Muncie he spent four years pastoring in Morocco, Indiana (1985-1989) and ten years in Winchester, Indiana (1989-1999) where he pastored a church that he planted in the fall of 1989. Since taking over the leadership of Glad Tidings, the church has grown from less than 150 in average attendance to more than 700 each week at the Muncie campus and has become a multi-campus church with campuses now in Dunkirk (Jay County), Hartford City (Blackford County), and an additional campus in Delaware County (Muncie North). Glad Tidings Muncie has also undergone several building projects in the last twenty years and celebrated their 100th anniversary in 2019. Pastor Holt graduated from Central Bible College in Springfield, MO in 1985 and earned his Masters degree (M.T.S.) in 2009 and his Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) in 2012,  both from Anderson University School of Theology. Pastor Kevin is also an adjunct instructor for Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. He and his wife Sheila, have two grown children and five grandchildren. Their son, Kyle, is now the lead pastor of our Dunkirk campus. Click here to contact Pastor Kevin.

Kyle Holt

Lead Pastor | Dunkirk

Pastor Kyle Holt has been on staff at Glad Tidings Church Muncie Campus since July 2009, leading various ministries. He grew up in a pastor’s home and spent the first 12 years of his life in two separate rural communities: Morocco, IN and Winchester, IN. It was during his time in Winchester that he began sensing a call into ministry. Pastor Kyle attended Indiana Wesleyan University and Wesley Seminary in order to be better equipped to live out his divine call. He and his wife, Sara, have four beautiful children and began officially serving the Dunkirk campus on October 13, 2019—the day of the launch. Click here to contact Pastor Kyle.

Josh Johnson

Lead Pastor | Hartford City

Pastor Josh Johnson has served at Glad Tidings since 2010 as the Student Ministries Pastor and Family Ministries Pastor, and also served 4 years in student ministry prior to that in Akron Ohio. Pastor Josh and his wife, Angel, have four children, Jason, Ruby, Calvin and Bear, and launched Glad Tidings’ third campus in Hartford City in the fall of 2020. Click here to contact Pastor Josh.

Ty Thompson

Lead Pastor | Muncie North

Pastor Ty Thompson has ministered in Muncie since 2009, when he accepted the call to pastor Calvary Christian Center. He has continued to pastor the congregation, now known as Glad Tidings Muncie North, through its merger with Glad Tidings. Pastor Ty holds a MA in Theological Studies from AGTS. He and his wife Sandra have two children: their daughter Hannah, who is married and lives in Michigan, and their son Elijah, who is enrolled at Ball State University. Click here to contact Pastor Ty.

Grady Horn

Lead Pastor | Henry County

Pastor Grady Horn joined the staff at Glad Tidings in July of 2023. He served as a youth leader for 7 years under Pastor Josh’s leadership and helped plant the Hartford City campus in the fall of 2020. He is a licensed minister with the Assemblies of God. Pastor Grady and his wife, Deanna, have three daughters, Adaline, Piper, and Summit. Click here to contact Pastor Grady.

Pastoral Staff

Clayton Bates

Worship & Creative Arts Pastor

Jeff Ellis

Adult Ministries Pastor

Scott Seiple

Student Ministries Pastor

Leadership Staff

Our staff are happy to help answer any questions you have about Glad Tidings Church. 

Lori Ramsey

Director of Kids Ministries &
Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor

Paula Mangus

Network Executive Director

Amy Cooper

Programming & Communications Manager

Autumn Reese

Network Accounts Payable Specialist

Kristen Dean

Network Accounts Receivable Specialist

Nick & Samantha Artz

Young Adults & Family Ministries

Hannah Sprouse

Executive Assistant to the Network Executive Director

Lisa Hullinger

Data Coordinator Assistant

Pixie Boze

Receptionist - Muncie

Jenn Collins

Programming Manager - Dunkirk

Courtney Clay

Programming Manager - Muncie North

Megan Coppock

Administrative Assistant - Hartford City

Maria French

Head of School Launch Team -
Summit Christian School

Courtney Loveall

Director, GT Kids Daycare & Preschool

Cris Hullinger

Lead Custodian